Ukraine: sales of fresh milk products will fall, and the prices will grow


Producers of fresh milk products get to worrying. Considerably, increased milk prices force them either to increase prices for the products and reduce sales, or to work without profit or even at a loss. While prices still have not grown strongly, their mass increase is expected in December. They may grow by 10% by the end of the year.

For now, at the end of November, market wholesale prices are at: UAH 10.3-12.0/l ―for 2.5% milk in cheap pouches, UAH 12.3-13.3/l ― for 2.5% kefir, UAH 28-30/ kg ― for 15% sour cream, UAH 55-62/kg ―for curd (9%).

It is worth mentioning that last month, sales of some traditional fresh milk products were even slightly increased, and that in the conditions of growing prices. Production of processed milk was increased by about 2% to nearly 41 thousand tons, and curd ― by 4%, to 5,9 thousand tons. Production of fermented milk products continued the decline ― 31,7 thousand tons were produced in October, which was 4% less in comparison with September.

In November, production of milk and curd will be reduced too. The decline will be even more essential in December. Rise of milk price is the main reason of such pessimistic forecasts.

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