cheese, import, dairy products
Imports of cheese and fresh dairy products to grow


There is no significant growth of dairy exports. Export prices remain low and sales of many dairy products are falling both because of unattractive prices and because of a seasonql decrease of dairy production.

But still, in October, external shipments became more active. In comparison with September, figures of exports increased in almost all positions of dairy products and for some of them quite significantly. If compare October exports with October last year, it can be seen that a significant drop was observed only in the SMP and cheese products, but exports of butter, spread, WMP and whey increased by 5, 18, 46 and 60%, respectively.

In November, one should expect a marked reduction in exports just because production of dairy products will seasonally decrease.

As for the import of dairy products, it is worth noting a further growth in purchases of cheeses and fresh dairy products. This trend will continue in the future unless another wave of substantial hryvnia devaluation occurs.


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